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J in Local recommendations

Any younger mum's around Brombrough?

Iam 20 and I have no friends with children and it's starting to get very lonely😂, I've got a one year old boy and he desperately needs some little friends and iam just looking for some mum friends to do play dates with our little ones and cute walks together.

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L in Local recommendations

Anyone from Eastham?

Hi. I moved to the area about a year ago and still don't really know anyone round here, so it would be nice to meet other mum's who are local 😊 x

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J in Parties & celebrations

Christening Party Venues

Hi, Can anyone recommend a venue that I could have a christening party in July? Looking somewhere local to upton ideally as that's where she's going to be christened. Thank you 😊

  • J
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B in C-section

C section

Hey girls just wondering what it’s like to have a c section in arrowe park , am 35 weeks today and went for my 34 week growth scan on Monday and was advised that I’d have to have a c section got to go back next Thursday to book my date in for it , I had a normal birth with my first in the woman’s so haven’t a clue w...

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Incognito in Meetups

Meeting other Mamas

Is anyone else interested in this? I have a nearly 8 month old and we need to get out more! I'm nearly 35, on mat leave til July, first time mum, loves coffee, wine and reading 📚

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