June 2022 Babies 🇺🇸

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Incognito in Family

Unreasonable Ask?

Is it unreasonable to not want your partner to go out to the bars if you aren’t able to go as well? For context, a friend of ours birthday is today and they were planning a family friendly cookout. I was really looking forward to it as a lot of our friends have kids around the same age and I like to take opportunit...

  • Incognito
  • Incognito
  • Incognito

Incognito in Travel with kids

Overseas flight toddler and 4 MO old baby

Hi, has anyone done it? I will be travelling by myself to Europe with my June baby 2022 and my may baby 2024. My husband won't be going. There will be 2 different flights. Thinking of my 4 MO in a wrap the entire time? And I will bring a tiny stroller for my toddler since we will have 6 hr layover. Has anyone done i...

  • Incognito
  • Incognito
  • Incognito

Incognito in Other

Any tips to get two year old to stop using my pregnant belly as leverage to get up?

I try to tell her (every time she does it) that it hurts mommy and pushes on the baby (and is not comfortable) but she still uses my lower stomach to push herself up from the couch and ugh 😩 She has an older brother, is very verbal and very much understands most of what we tell her. This one she just can not get. ...

  • Incognito
  • Incognito
  • Incognito

K in Potty training

Potty training with delays.

My son has had two surgeries before the age of two and is having to go through another. Because of this, he is a little further behind than his peers. I know it’s time to start potty training but I’m concerned he won’t quite understand yet. He shows signs that he’s interested. Going into the bathroom with his dad, t...

  • K
  • K
  • K

W in Other

Thinking about switching my 2 yr old over to pull up diapers

Not because she’s ready to be potty trained she’s def not ready just yet but more so bc she pulls her diaper tab thingys off and ultimately the diaper off. Any experience or tips with the Pampers Cruisers line or something along those lines? Thanks fellow mommies!

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