Combination feeding

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Combination feeding

Group for moms that are breastfeeding and formula feeding. Lets normalize it, not judge it.

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A in Breastfeeding

Bf rejection

Had to combine feed from day 4 as my milk took time coming in. Baby is now 4 weeks old and my parents are pushing the bottle whilst I want to bf. I’m being told I am not enough for my baby and I can’t leave her starving. I feel like I’m screaming at the top of my lungs that I have to bf regularly for my supply to in...

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J in Baby sleep

Formula feeding at night only

I’m 12 days PP… and I’m EBF during the day, but at night I BF for a little then my husband tops her off with formula because I’m too exhausted to stay awake and BF 😩 I noticed that when I pump at night I get about an ounce and a half less than I do during the day… also I notice that once I start breast feeding at n...

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Incognito in Other

Combination feeding

I'm currently breast and expressing bottles to feed. I'm now wanting to start introducing some formula to my little one. What is the best way to do this? Looking for some advice

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A in Formula

Combi feeding / reducing breastfeeding

My LO is 3 months old. I have been EBF through this. I have had issues with low supply and LO losing weight on two occasions now. I'm pretty gutted but I know fed is best!! I'm thinking of starting to combi feed but have no idea where to start. Any tips? When do you BF and formula? Do you have to express when you ...

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L in Formula

Feeling really down about low supply

I have been combi feeding, it started with a nurse offering baby some formula as I wasn’t feeling well after emergency c section, then we realised it works really well for my husband and I but as his hunger grew we have been giving him more formula and my supply depleted - I feel so upset / guilty / down about doi...

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