Ttc - line eyes / symptoms / tww

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Ttc - line eyes / symptoms / tww

For any mums who wanna be in an active ttc group, I post in groups and no one ever responds and I can promise you, I’ll always try my best to respond 🥰

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Y in Early pregnancy symptoms

Line eyes?

Am I imagining things?? 15 dpo, spotting for the last 2-3 days, which is unusual for me. No cramping or pre period symptoms. Had mild cramping twice on the first day of spotting (13dpo) for a few minutes, and on the second day (14dpo) I felt this sharp sting in the centre of my pelvis on the second day of spotting. ...

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L in Other

Am I seeing things?!

Took a cheap strip test this morning but I think I see a faint line, what do you think? I’m either 9 or 10 DPO

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C in Other

Am I crazy lol 😂

Am I crazy or is there a vvvvfl ….. I know I’m definitely early to test but I thought I would. I’m not due for my prd for another 8days this was with in 2mins

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L in Pregnancy test results

Hi I’ve had this test but then negatives after it was in time frame advice needed

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S in Other

Is this for real??

8DPO vvfl?

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