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Incognito in Baby swimming

How old was your baby when you took them swimming for the first time?

Hey! My baby was born in December and I can't wait to take her swimming. I just wondered what age is recommended for her first dip 😊 Also any recommendations in / around Lincoln would be fantastic Thank you

  • Incognito
  • Incognito
  • Incognito

M in Childcare

Childminder recommendations

Looking for a Childminder around Lincoln county hospital to enroll my little girl in for three days a week. Any recommendations will be appreciated

  • M
  • M
  • M

Incognito in C-section

C section

Hello everyone, I have a question, has anyone in here opted for a c section? Did you feel supported with your decision at Lincoln? How many weeks were you when you requested your c section for? I’m on a lot of medication / insulin due to GD and High blood pressure. I’ve been offered multiple times induction, which I...

  • Incognito
  • Incognito
  • Incognito

H in Baby travel products

Wanting to look at prams/travel systems

So we have a deep gravel drive that you have to walk over to get to the front door (no other access to house) and it’s a nightmare to walk on let alone drag a buggy on I imagine lol I’ve had a google and jogger prams come up a lot as good for gravel etc but they tend to be on the bigger/bulky side. The Ickle Bubba ...

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Incognito in Induced labor

Induction process / experience

Hi all, I’ve been booked in for an induction on the 31st January when I will be 41+4 ( if I make it that far) Can I hear peoples experience with being induced at Lincoln hospital please? Including the process from when you arrive at the hospital just so I have more of an idea what I can expect? Thank you :)

  • Incognito
  • Incognito
  • Incognito

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