Pregnancy and new mum support

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Pregnancy and new mum support

Being pregnant or a new mum even a step parent can be difficult. Your life changes dramatically and there is always a doubt If you are doing it right or wrong. This can be scary. So I am making this group as a support. You can ask question, whether it's about something in your pregnancy or if it's about your new born baby, even if you are feeling down or something isnt sitting right with you! If you need a chat or you want some advice we will be here to help. So let's get this group going :)

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Incognito in Pregnancy Week by Week: Second Trimester

Super overwhelmed and emotional!

4 weeks and 4 days pregnant feeling so overwhelmed and emotional. I’ve always been scared to give birth and now faced with the reality is not helping my anxiety! Very much a wanted baby but wow a whole bag loads of emotions. Anyone else felt the same ?

  • Incognito
  • Incognito
  • Incognito
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D in Pregnancy test results

First ever positive pregnancy test!

Hi I got my first ever pregnancy test! If dates are correct I’d be 4 weeks 1 day, very early I know, I’m eating healthy, vitamins each day, lots of water keeping active at work! Any other tips? No symptoms yet.. just period didn’t arrive I and didn’t get my normal pms symptoms so that’s why I did a test or few ...

  • D
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Incognito in Pregnancy test results

Faint lines again

I'm 5 weeks and after getting paranoid about chemicals, I tested again today and got a fainter line. Is that bad? Is that the hook effect? I think I'm 5 weeks 6 days today 😭

  • Incognito
  • Incognito
  • Incognito
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L in Vitamins & supplements


Does anyone have any recommendations as to which vitamins are best to take during pregnancy, i’m 5 + 5 so still early days but just want to make sure im taking everything i can ☺️

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P in Other

Question to know if is early to confirm a pregnancy

Hi , i have been trying to get pregnant for like 2 months , this is my third month and on Sunday i had a bleeding then stops and today i had the bleeding i am so confuse if is like a implantation bleeding or some thing else . I take 3 pregnancy test and all of them are negative 😔

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