M in Other
Looking for good friends
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M in Other
Looking for good friends
A in Childbirth
Hi, I am currently 20 weeks and have been having all my care so far with Wigan hospital, however, I am closer to Bolton (10 mins vs 30 mins) and wondering whether to change hospitals. I am low risk so far and keen on a pool delivery and I know Bolton have more available than Wigan, and I also saw figures that Wiga...
S in Making friends
Hi, I'm looking to make new friends and build my social life. My relationship of 9 years ended in July and have realised that my social circle has drastically reduced. I have a 12 year old daughter, so I'm free during school and some weekends when she's visiting her Dad etc. I would be interested in meeting for coff...
Incognito in Other
Has anyone experienced chest pain (central but more to the right side) and it be nothing serious? I’m on my period I don’t know if that’s anything to do with it but health anxiety is in full force today 😩
F in Activities for kids
I have a nearly 7 month old and a 2 year old, now the weather is getting colder and the parks are freezing 😂 does anyone have any days out ideas? I worry with play areas as my oldest isn't big enough to play on her own but I cant carry my 7 month old round a wacky warehouse 😂