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M in Other


Looking for good friends

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A in Childbirth

Wigan vs Bolton

Hi, I am currently 20 weeks and have been having all my care so far with Wigan hospital, however, I am closer to Bolton (10 mins vs 30 mins) and wondering whether to change hospitals. I am low risk so far and keen on a pool delivery and I know Bolton have more available than Wigan, and I also saw figures that Wiga...

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1 likes,12 comments

S in Making friends

Making friends

Hi, I'm looking to make new friends and build my social life. My relationship of 9 years ended in July and have realised that my social circle has drastically reduced. I have a 12 year old daughter, so I'm free during school and some weekends when she's visiting her Dad etc. I would be interested in meeting for coff...

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3 likes,1 comments

Incognito in Other

Chest pain

Has anyone experienced chest pain (central but more to the right side) and it be nothing serious? I’m on my period I don’t know if that’s anything to do with it but health anxiety is in full force today 😩

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F in Activities for kids

2 under 2

I have a nearly 7 month old and a 2 year old, now the weather is getting colder and the parks are freezing 😂 does anyone have any days out ideas? I worry with play areas as my oldest isn't big enough to play on her own but I cant carry my 7 month old round a wacky warehouse 😂

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