Cheshire West And Chester

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Cheshire West And Chester

A place to ask all your baby, child and pregnancy related questions to the mamas of Cheshire West And Chester.

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A in Education

What to wear?

Hey everyone!! So I start at a SEN primary school tomorrow as a TA! The only thing is, I’ve got no idea on what to wear, I’ve got blouses, nice pants and blazers but I’ve heard that SEN schools are usually a bit lenient. I don’t want to turn up fully dressed to the nines if that’s not whats usually worn 🤣 Thank y...

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L in Other

Prenatal classes and groups

Does anyone know of any pregnancy classes/groups in the Chester or Wrexham areas? I'm already booked into pregnancy yoga at the Barn Temple in Pontblyddyn in the next few weeks, but very keen to meet more mums to be locally ☺️ Due in June!

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Incognito in Local recommendations

Mums over 35

Hi everyone, I was wondering if there are any first time mums over 35 in the Chester / Wirral area who’d fancy chatting / meeting up for coffee etc. I’m planning to go to few baby groups but haven’t been brave enough yet, feel very self conscious about my age! And don’t want to look like the granny in the room

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Incognito in Other

Arrowe park induction experiences

Hey ladies, I’m due my second baby soon and had the first in Chester, our post birth experience was a bit rubbish last time so we’re transferring care to arrowe park in the hope of a better recovery and more feeding help. We’re expecting to be induced around 37-39 weeks due to baby have growth concerns so I was won...

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  • Incognito

Incognito in Motherhood

Hi all - any new mums due soon or around April time?

I’m due to finish for maternity leave this week and I’m due first week of April. It would be lovely to connect more with some local mum to be’s. If you’re interested drop a message below. Also: any mums know of the best local support groups in Chester for new mums? Especially breastfeeding support groups

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