Incognito in Ovulation tests
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Did I likely ovulate early or have I not ovulated yet? Maybe I won’t ovulate this month?
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Incognito in Ovulation tests
Did I likely ovulate early or have I not ovulated yet? Maybe I won’t ovulate this month?
Incognito in Other
Hi ladies, today I went to the EPU for my third repeat HCG test. The levels are increasing, but they’re not doubling as expected. I have a scan scheduled for Monday. I’m trying to stay positive, but the numbers aren’t looking very reassuring.
V in Other
I’m at 4 wks 4 days, at first I had a tight feeling in my uterus and craving meat, fatigue and light cramping. Over the last few days the symptoms have lessened and that tight feeling in uterus went away. The pregnancy test lines were more faint the last two days. Anyone have symptoms come and go?
Incognito in First trimester worries
This is the result of my first hcg level test. I get the results from my second one tomorrow. Trying to confirm I didn’t have a miscarriage. My doctor was worried I miscarried at 5 weeks (based off an ultrasound) but now we’re thinking the dates were off. I’d be 6-7 weeks now. Does 22,842 sound promising? Trying to ...
Incognito in Other
Hi all, wondering if anyone can help me. I’m around 6 weeks and I had my HCG levels done yesterday, the levels are only 455 and they seemed concerned these levels were low. Has anyone had low levels and had a successful pregnancy?