Incognito in Water birth
Birthing Suite!
Looking to have a water birth for my second baby and debating whether to have a home birth or just go for the hospital. What was it like in the room? Any pictures are appreciated!
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Connecting Harlow mamas with local information, fun events, and sharing in the journey of raising little ones.
Incognito in Water birth
Looking to have a water birth for my second baby and debating whether to have a home birth or just go for the hospital. What was it like in the room? Any pictures are appreciated!
Incognito in Pregnancy Week by Week: First Trimester
When did everyone get there first period?!😂 after having a baby.. this is my 2nd baby.
Incognito in Pregnancy scans
Does anyone know the prices of ultrasounds at PAH Harlow please?
S in Groups
Have any of you gone to the “say hi baby” group or “baby beginnings” group at the meadows? Wandering whether it’s play groups for baby’s or more information groups for parents?
B in Local recommendations
Im a 24 year old single mum to 2 girls and would like to meet more mums around my age that would like to meet up often! I get very lonely and could do with play dates for little ones, someone to rant to with no judgement and a laugh (haven't had one for a while😂🙄) Please message if you'd like to meet up x