Marriage Help
Dr. Chavonne  is a creator on PeanutDr. Chavonne

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Marriage Help

By Dr. Chavonne

This is a group for married women to support each other and receive information and tools from Dr. Chavonne to help navigate the ups and downs of marriage. To receive Dr. Chavonne’s emails, sign up here: And to work with her directly in her coaching programs, visit

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Incognito in Household

Personal space or disrespect?

My husband leaves our room in the morning, goes into the spare room and will spend 1 to 2 hours on his phone. He says he’s sorting work, but is 99% on instagram scrolling and then turns his phone off when I go into the room. He acts like this is totally normal.

  • Incognito
  • Incognito
  • Incognito

Incognito in Legal


had a physical altercation while i was wfh today and i called the cops , granted i had ever right to (he choked me) and now i feel bad bc i know it was a build up of his dad begin severely sick and seeing him like that yesterday crying, being overly worked and tired , ontop my 6am start today in the room . still n...

  • Incognito
  • Incognito
  • Incognito

Incognito in Other

Husband Refusing to Move

Hi everyone, would love advice on this! So just wanna state that my marriage has not been the smoothest but we have been making strides lately. I feel like we are actually doing fairly well now but this issue has been weighing on me for the past few months: my husband refuses to move with me and our daughter (16 mon...

  • Incognito
  • Incognito
  • Incognito

Incognito in Family

Need some advice

I need some advice. Currently my husband and I lives separately where we currently reside with our parents initially it was due to marital issues we was having and now it kinda prolongs due to financial issues. March will make it 5 yrs that we been married. While in the marriage I started having resentment towards h...

  • Incognito
  • Incognito
  • Incognito
Dr. Chavonne is a creator on PeanutDr. Chavonne

Dr. Chavonne in Other

What does it take to have a happy marriage that lasts?

If marriage was a skill set, what are the most important ones all couples need to learn? Tell me what and why in the comments below.

  • Dr. Chavonne is a creator on PeanutDr. Chavonne
  • Dr. Chavonne is a creator on PeanutDr. Chavonne
  • Dr. Chavonne is a creator on PeanutDr. Chavonne
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