Incognito in Baby digestion
Belly button
My baby is 8 weeks and her belly button has been fine up until today i noticed it was a bit purple? Im worried its infected from her poonamis getting into her belly button? Help
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Incognito in Baby digestion
My baby is 8 weeks and her belly button has been fine up until today i noticed it was a bit purple? Im worried its infected from her poonamis getting into her belly button? Help
Incognito in Teething
Heya, my mum has a cold sore and kissed my 1 year old on the cheek earlier and now I'm parinoid. I need to ask her not to kiss him until its cleared but feel bad! How bad is it? Will he have caught something now? I got home and Wipes his cheeks! Thank you
Incognito in Work & money
My girl is currently in nursery and I work part time. I’m thinking to drop my part time job and become a SAHM, but when is she eligible for nursery without it being dependent on me working. She turns 2 on Feb 21st
Incognito in Other
I’m on metformin slow release and today I had 2 small slices of pizza (just cheese chicken and onions) with lots of salad on the side (lettuce, more chicken, olives) whilst drinking lots of water and checked my reading about 1.5 later and my reading was really good, 6.2. Does this mean I can tolerate it well as i ba...
Incognito in Baby products
Does anyone have this as if yes is it good? I'm due in 2 weeks and I need to get this sorted ASAP lol