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D in Local recommendations

Looking for new friends !!

Bestie?! Looking for new mum friends feel free to give me a message!!

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Incognito in Skin conditions

Does this look infected ?

Hey my daughter is 11 her dad got her ear pierced and now looks like this we also noticed a swollen lymph node in neck and redness so I’m thinking it could be infected I don’t have piercings so not sure. Any help?

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Incognito in Housing

Scottish welfare fund questions

Hello! Me and my little girl are moving out of my parents into a new home with just us two. It is social housing and my housing officer has reccomended I apply to the Scottish welfare fund to help me furnish and get in flooring. Has anyone applied and if so how does it all work really? I'm not sure if it's a grant...

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Incognito in Other

Late Period

Ever since I was young my period has been every 28 days. My last period was 31 days. I am currently on day 40. So 9-10 days late. Did a test on day 4 and was negative. Will do another tomorrow. Anyway, has anyone ever been this late and not been pregnant?

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Incognito in Baby milestones

Toddler Reins

Heyy, I’m looking for some recommendations for reins for my 18 month old he is desperate to be walking independently but doesn’t really want to be holding a hand Thankyou in advance x

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