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We bring together Wales moms for advice and fun (free!) events.

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E in Premature birth

Poorly Babies

Hey there! I’m a first time mom (1month old boy) living in Abertillery He was premature, weighing 4Ibs 10 and has been diagnosed with digeorge syndrome and TOFS Has anyone else been through this or any other similar situation and can shed some light on how to process this. I’m currently a single mom so it’s a ...

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L in Local recommendations


Anyone local to Brynmawr? I have a 11 year old daughter and an 8 month old son. Now the weather is starting to become lovely, just wondering if there’s any mums out there that would like to meet up for walks, chats, coffee etc 😊

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C in Local recommendations

Aberdare 🥰

Anyone local to Aberdare/Merthyr/Cardiff?? 🥰 I have 2 little girls ages - 7 years (8 in June) & 22 month old (2 years old in May). We would love to meet some other mams for play dates, walks, general chats 🥰 Pop up & say hi!! X

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Incognito in Other

Newborn Cold

My 2 wk old baby had a cold! So hard to see them struggling, any advice? He’s feeding okay, there isn’t any worrying signs, he’s just sounds like he’s bunged up 😭😭😭💔

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  • Incognito

Incognito in Mental health & wellbeing


Why is being a mum the best time but also the loneliest . I never had many friends before moving to Wales and the few 'real' friends I had don't speak to me since I moved/had a baby. The friends I thought I'd made since becoming a mother have all but stopped talking to me since my LB turned 1. I don't know what I'v...

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