Incognito in Pregnancy test results
Positive test ?
Is this positive? I am 12 DPO
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Incognito in Pregnancy test results
Is this positive? I am 12 DPO
Incognito in Other
I have a very predictable normal cycle. My period is due in a couple to few days. I don't have a positive pregnancy test but the line from my ovulation test is fairly dark. The only reason I even checked was bc I had the sharpest ovulation pain ever right after baby dance. Does lh sometimes just go higher before a p...
Incognito in Other
Is this postive ?
Incognito in First trimester worries
Is this a evaperation line
Incognito in Other
This is my first month using LH tests and I’m really confused as there getting lighter! Is this normal? I do have pcos but have been having pretty regular periods for a couple of years now. I haven’t ovulated yet ( I don’t think ).