September 2022 Babies 🇬🇧

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J in Other

Reconfirming tax free childcare and codes

I've been sent an email to confirm for next 3 months. Where it says your employment status , it asks if you are on any type of leave. I'm not right now, but I will be at the end of April. Do I select yes or no? No now and then yes again when I reconfirm in 3 months? Or shall I ring ?

  • J
  • J
  • J

B in Vaccinations

Chicken pox

Has anyone given there child the chickenpox vaccine? Has your little one already had chickenpox? My son’s nursery has had three cases in the last week and the manager mentioned the vaccine that I never even heard of. £150 though for both doses!

  • B
  • B
  • B

D in Other

Need food/snack advice!

My kid isn’t a cereal kid, he’s just not into it, so we do brown toast. We was doing breakfast bars as that’s the only thing he would eat, until he started getting hyper and we clocked the sugar content. They went straight in the bin! So il often make my own pancakes as I can control the sugar. But apart from toas...

  • D
  • D
  • D

Incognito in Skin conditions


My little one has had a cough and cold for about a week now. Yesterday he started with this rash. Any ideas what it could be? Can't get him in the doctors as no appointments available. Thank you

  • Incognito
  • Incognito
  • Incognito

C in Disabilities

Autism diagnosis

Please can some explain how there children have been given an autism diagnosis before aged3 I called the right to choose pathway this morning and they said I have to wait until 3 however I have seen on here other children already have a diagnosis my child is 2 year 6 months and is delayed with signs of autism

  • C
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