January 2025 Babies 🇺🇸

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S in Baby sleep

Bassinet sleeping

I posted the other day about my boy not sleeping in his bassinet. I had the same issue for a little while with my daughter but it eventually happened. Just looking for some new ideas that I might not have thought of. Some things I’ve done are heating pad prior, worn tshirt as the padding cover, swaddle, fed/burped/e...

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Incognito in Other

Postpartum checkup

I just had my postpartum check up @ 7 weeks because I had to reschedule- this is my 3rd baby but first time with an OB- it wasn’t my regular OB but all she did was look at my vagina for a second and say I’m good and able to live a normal life (exercise, sex) she told me to just listen to my body and that was that…...

  • Incognito
  • Incognito
  • Incognito

N in Baby sleep

Any advice on how to get my baby to nap without me during the day?

She’ll nap but only if she’s physically on me. The second I put her down she wakes up 😭

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A in Other

2 Month Immunizations 🥺

Where did the time go. I just want time to stand still and to cherish these moments forever. Baby boy is getting his 2 month shots next week. What should/could I expect after? Want to make sure we are prepared as much as possible just in case bubby isn’t feeling well so I can help him be as comfortable as possible! ...

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B in Baby sleep

Lethargic 2 months old

When do I worry about my sleepy baby? She's been sleeping A LOT. And seems really sleepy and zoned out the little bit of time she's awake to feed. She's usually very alert "talkative". She doesn't have any other signs of sickness or illness. I've sent a message to her team and I am waiting for a response but wonderi...

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