Sex and Relationships with Railey Molinario
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Sex and Relationships with Railey Molinario

By Railey Molinario

This group is for women women who want to create the thriving relationships and lives they deserve. šŸ¤Ž

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Incognito in Other

Anyone else's husband do this?

I feel like every time I look towards my husband, he's always got his hands in his pants. This man stays scratching his balls, and it's beginning to become a huge turn-off for me. We'll sit through a movie or two, and he just keeps his hand there - scratching, sniff, scratching, sniff- and so on. (Yes, he showers re...

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Incognito in Other

Upset when he doesnā€™t get sex

Does anybody else spouse get upset when they donā€™t have sex?? I work full time and when I come home Iā€™m really tired most days. My spouse and I have sex quite often but there are days where Iā€™m just not feeling it. And sex with him lasts an hour. I just feel like if I donā€™t do it, he has an attitude or suspects that...

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Incognito in Sex

Have you ever been a sub but got with a sub and then miss having a dom partner?

So I used to be a sub I had a bad experience which made me recoil During Covid I got with my BD - heā€™s a sub. I was dom. Now Iā€™m confident again and missing dom sex. My partner isnā€™t confident to be a dom and has shunned it pretty much. He doesnā€™t want me to have other partners. Iā€™ve been talking to doms and f...

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Incognito in Early pregnancy symptoms


Has anyone spotted a couple weeks before period was due and found out they were pregnant?

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Incognito in Other

What would you do

So me and partner wanna move in together but in order to do so his mum and family want me to sign a prenup and not be put on the deed of the house, therefore I feel as if I shouldnā€™t buy anything towards the place apart from food, as if it was the other way round I would be asking him to sign one

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