Incognito in Activities for kids
How much screen time per day?
No judgment please. But how much screen time does your LO has a day? Do they have a tablet of their own? Mine watched tv about 1.5 hours a day while I cook lunch and dinner.
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Incognito in Activities for kids
No judgment please. But how much screen time does your LO has a day? Do they have a tablet of their own? Mine watched tv about 1.5 hours a day while I cook lunch and dinner.
Incognito in Family
To the point he screamed the place down when my husband tried to put him to sleep. He didn’t even want him to make his milk. I literally have to do EVERYTHING Does it get better? I’m bloody exhausted and 8 months pregnant and can’t be carrying him all the time. Any tips? I’m at my wits end! I can’t go out, can’t...
J in Activities for kids
Hi so we've not been big on buying lots of unnecessary toys and my LG has been totally fine & is doing great. I feel as if I need to invest in some interactive toys now - she's not had many ! What toys focussed on learning would you recommend. I am a SAHM & need a few which she can get on with by herself for 15 mi...
Incognito in Baby milestones
Since around the 7 month mark my daughter became obsessed with putting her fingers in mine & my husbands mouths for comfort. She’s just turned two & it’s still happening! I don’t know how to make her stop, it’s become unbearable but she screams & fights to do it to fall asleep & comfort throughout the day 😭 Does any...
Incognito in Baby & toddler food
Anybody else’s toddler suddenly hates eating? My LG wasn’t a bad water, a bit picky but not bad and suddenly even her favourite dinners, lunches even breakfasts are a no. She would snack only if she could or have chocolate stuff🥲(when she was over at my parents they given her some chocolate which I’m guessing made h...