November 2022 Babies 🇬🇧

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November 2022 Babies 🇬🇧

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S in Baby milestones

So my daughter is 2 years old and about 4 months and she is Nonverbal still that she hasn't spoken but what she has been doing a lot recently which I need some advice on is she's been screaming non-stop

And she basically screams whenever she's like in a very very good mood and I'm just like trying to think maybe she may be autistic just do to some of the things that she does like she walks with her eyes closed and she pretty much closes her eyes a lot but she pretty much screams the house down like the light she's ...

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Incognito in Baby products

Feet size

Hi! Just out of interest what size are your kids feet? 😂 mines is now a size 8 and just feels so massive compared to buying “baby” shoes 😂

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  • Incognito
  • Incognito

Incognito in Baby milestones


Hi! My son just started attending nursery at 2years 4months (still trying to settle in and screaming at drop offs/pick ups) he also started having tantrums since attending nursery can this be too much stress or is it just the age? 🤯🤯

  • Incognito
  • Incognito
  • Incognito

S in Baby products

What toothpaste are you using for your little one?

I use the Weleda baby toothpaste currently. My son is great at letting me brush his teeth and lets me do a thorough brush twice a day, yet I’ve noticed he has bad plague on his bottom teeth 🥴 what toothpaste are you ladies using?

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C in Family


My daughter is in nursery 3hrs per day and the past 2 weeks or so she's had a child hurt her( nose-made her nose bleed a little) and kicked her in the head... my partner does the drop off and pick up 3times a week and I do 2.... and today he told me a kid kicked her.head and was swollen a little and me being a mum I...

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