Plus Size Pregnancy

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Plus Size Pregnancy

A place for plus size people to share their experiences and tips. Being plus size can be challenging, but adding in pregnancy and momhood is a whole other thing! From finding a size-friendly provider, to figuring out where to buy cute maternity clothes and baby gear that fits, this can be a place to feel safe and share our thoughts.

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L in Pregnancy Week by Week: Third Trimester

Pregnancy pillow

Hi! So I'm pregnant with baby #2, and I'm starting to think it's time for a pregnancy pillow. I absolutely hated the one I have with my first pregnancy. I'm just curious if anyone has had one they loved? Also, I would love if I could order it from Amazon.

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Incognito in Childbirth

birth location

Hi guys, i really want to give birth in a centre rather than a hospital, but apparently a higher bmi means they want you in hospital only? is this true? i’m absolutely terrified of giving birth as it is, and hospitals will make that so much worse 😕

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Incognito in Other

Baby Kicks / Plus Size Bump

Has anyone seen their baby kicks from the surface? My baby boy is very active but loves to mess with me. If I even look at my bump he’ll stop moving, if i try to put my hand on his kicks he will kick in another corner. 25wks pregnant.

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Incognito in Premature birth

Induction vs C-section

Sorry for the long post! Just looking for people’s experiences on whether or not they would choose an induction or a C-section if given the choice again. I’m 38w pregnant and plus size. They have been pushing an induction since the very beginning of my pregnancy due to bmi however, I am yet to have any weight relate...

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Incognito in Maternity clothes

Plus size/maternity tights for tall girl!

Any tights reccomendations for a tall plus size pregnant babe 😅🤣

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