November 2022 Babies 🇺🇸

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P in Baby & toddler food

2 year old throwing food

I really hope this is just a phase but if my daughter doesn't want what we've made her to eat for a meal, even though I asked and she nodded thats what she wanted, she will throw it all on the floor. Do any other mama's have this issue?

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Y in Breastfeeding

Milk before bed

Hi everyone! So my daughter has milk in the morning and at night and sleeps through the night whether she has the milk or not honestly. It’s kind of just part of her routine, and I like it because this way I know she had a full belly (especially on days where she barely eats food). Lately though we give her, the bot...

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C in Activities for kids

Should you bring kids to fancy steak dinners, plays, etc.?

Personally I feel like kids should be additive to your life and not stop you from going places but recently I’ve noticed some people make weird comments or glances based on bringing my child out and about to plays, gastropubs, fancy restaurants, ballet, concerts and it’s been a tad demoralizing. So wanted to see gen...

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A in Other

Pulling pants down

My son has started to pull his pants down quite a bit in the last couple of days. Does this mean he’s ready for potty training

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I in Pregnancy Week by Week: First Trimester

baby fever 😫❤️

anyone else ready for #2?? i’ve had baby fever so bad lately, even dreaming about being pregnant

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