PMDD Support

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PMDD Support

Support for parents with Premenstrual Dysphoric Disorder.

148 members

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A in Postpartum mental health

Am I going mad

Hi, I just got diagnosed with PMDD yesterday after years of CBT. Every month when it hits I battle with feelings about how much I’ve fallen out of love with my partner and how terrified I am about being in a relationship with him for the rest of my life. When I try to tell him how I feel he says it’s just my mind s...

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A in Postpartum mental health

PMDD and toddlers

Hi all, I'm new to this group! I'm a mum to 3 year old twins and had PMDD for about a year bur diagnosed a few months ago. Why does PMDD turn me into the mum I really don't want to be, the raging, shouting, anxious, crippling thoughts that make me wonder why I'm a mum. Has anyone got any simple tips for managing th...

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M in Trying for a baby

Hello, new here!

I was so happy to find a PMDD support group here. I've had PMDD for about 8 years now. I am in the early stages of fertility and curious about how pregnancy is going to impact things. I'm open for a chat with anyone who wants to swap experiences 🙂

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Incognito in Postpartum mental health

PMDD or am I just going insane?

*not diagnosed but curious and at a loss!* Every month me and my husband are on the brink of divorce and it's down to my hormones.. I have PCOS (mild symptoms but sometimes irregular cycles) so I'm now 2 weeks late but for the last 2 weeks all we have done is argue on/off because apparently I've been angry and a h...

  • Incognito
  • Incognito
  • Incognito

M in Postpartum mental health

Struggling. Advice?

I haven't been diagnosed, but I feel I may have pmdd. I never noticed it really till now. I've been crying for literally no reason. At everything. I can't seem to think anything positive. I've been feeling very depressed and numb. Internet says ssris. But I've tried birthcontrol (almost all of them) I've been on eve...

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