B in Other
Have you toom your baby to the dentist? When? What did they do? I'm just curious and imagining what can they do with a toddler, I'm not sure he will.keep his mouth opened for long 😅 please let me know of your experience Thank you
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B in Other
Have you toom your baby to the dentist? When? What did they do? I'm just curious and imagining what can they do with a toddler, I'm not sure he will.keep his mouth opened for long 😅 please let me know of your experience Thank you
D in Housing
hi there i’m looking to move to bergen county new jersey in june and was wondering if anyone knew of any private landlords .
R in Other
Hey ladies. My 21 month old dude is going THROUGH it today with allergies. What can I give him? We have the itchy nose, watery eyes, runny nose, sneezing. It’s bad. No fever. We tried are natural herbal antihistamine drops. I read no benedryl and that Claritin or Zyrtec is better. Pretty sure ped said I could do...
Incognito in Baby milestones
Recently my son started doing these hard blinks (with opening mouth). He does it mostly during the car ride or in unfamiliar, crowded, loud places. Is that a new thing they are “trying out”, like with the spinning to give the some new sensation? Anyone else noticed it with their babies?
Incognito in Other
Anyone’s LO working on growing or already got the second molars in? So far we have 16 teeth, and recently our son started putting his hand in his mouth constantly again. Im thinking he’s teething again.