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Looking for mothers with children that are unvaccinated. Looking for stories, comments, concerns, experiences, questions, and any tips for others who choose to not vaccinate their children.

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Incognito in Vaccinations

Regret - vaccines

My baby had his immunisation at 8w, 12w and 16w (I believe). I wasn’t educated at that time and I regret it so much now I would love him to be fully unvaccinated. He’s now 13 months and I haven’t noticed anything different on him I don’t think it caused any delay or issue. Those were the only vaccines he received ...

  • Incognito
  • Incognito
  • Incognito

Incognito in Vaccinations


My babies have just had there jabs and I refused the oral one as I never received this as a child and we have received awful judgement and very bad care from the nurses at my doctors surgery due to this. Trying to pressure us into it. Has anyone else been judged based on how they want to parent their own child? And ...

  • Incognito
  • Incognito
  • Incognito
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Incognito in Common illness

Sick Baby

So dilemma here we just had a cold super simple cold he was a champ and just had sniffles and congestion after that kinda cleared up he now has a little cough going on just want recommendations if anything i should do . I guess it’s normal after a cold a lingering cough . I deferred his two month vaccines and don’...

  • Incognito
  • Incognito
  • Incognito

A in Other

To those with unvaccinated babies and children how is that going?

My partner has shown me so many terrible things in the vaccines I'm scared I don't want to do this wrong I'm not the healthiest and I have some neralogical issues like autism I know the vaccines and medicine i was forced to take could have caused so many issues for me my partner is mostly vaccinated but probably no...

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Incognito in Other

Scientific papers

I am really interested in scientific research on this matter, could you post links to scientific papers in this thread please

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