Burnout and the Mental Load
Dr. Morgan Cutlip  is a creator on PeanutDr. Morgan Cutlip

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Burnout and the Mental Load

By Dr. Morgan Cutlip

This group is a safe place where we will discuss real relationship issues that moms contend with like: burnout, resentment, the mental load, and sexual desire. Welcome, mama. I’m Dr. Morgan Cutlip, married mama of 2 and relationship expert. This group is all about supporting each other in our relationships with our partners and with ourselves. I will share practical tips on topics like: mom burnout, the mental load, sex, resentment, assertive communication, and more. I specialize in offering practical strategies so that YOU feel empowered to care for you and your relationships. Follow me>Instagram @DrMorganCutlip Read the blog> www.MyLoveThinks.com Check out the podcast> Love Thinks podcast

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Incognito in Family

Working mom feeling unsupported

I went back to work about 6months ago and it’s been very hard. I leave the house at 8am and get home 7pm and during the week get very few hours with my baby. My husband has a job he works from home so right now he’s working and watching her because at the moment we can’t afford anything else. I give him so much cr...

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Incognito in Mental health & wellbeing

I get no time for myself

I need tips on how to get some time for myself without help. I see other advice saying to get help from friends or family but I don’t have anyone 😭 she goes to school but I have to work so I feel like I truly get no time for myself

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Incognito in Family

Saying things to hurt me

Idk what’s going on. I do try to have a peaceful relationship with my husband despite having twins but it just fails every time. We was watching a movie and in the movie the man was physically abusive to his wife. And my husband said that’s the type of husband I deserved… He knew I got upset by it so he back tracke...

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Incognito in Sleep & tiredness

Anyone else pregnant and going through it?

Everything hurts, i’m exhausted, i don’t want to work anymore, i’m always nauseous and throwing up. i’m only 15 weeks pregnant. Now i will say from 4 weeks to 14 weeks i couldn’t keep anything down and i definitely cried a lot. This 15 weeks is not as bad as that first trimester but i am still so over it man.

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Incognito in Other


To all the moms out there , please help me. What can I do or what do you moms do when you’ve had it ! I’m tired of everything right now. I know this sounds stupid but I just feel like running away from everything and everyone. I hve a husband and two kids. One of them a one year old. I’m tired of cleaning , cooking...

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