Working Mamas
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Working Mamas

By Whitney

A place for Modern Working Mamas to Talk About Balancing Careers, Home, and YOU Life

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B in Family

Advice or maybe just rant?

I do want advice but I’m also pretty sure I’m about to go on a rant so fair warning this may be long. 😂 I work a full time corporate job and I am so freaking tired of being the breadwinner AND pretty much sole caregiver (outside of daycare) 😩 my husband used to be such an amazing dad and he’s not a BAD dad now but h...

  • B
  • B
  • B

Incognito in Other

Advice pls

I’m going out of my mind. I finished mat leave with my second child and got offered a job giving me the specific hours I needed to fit round childcare. I explained hours would need to change when my lo started full time in September and of course that was fine. Now there’s been constant battles with my manager for k...

  • Incognito
  • Incognito
  • Incognito

Incognito in Baby sleep

How to manage work

I got back to work a month back. Baby is 5.5 months old. But since I started baby has not been sleeping through the night. While I was on leave she slept upto 10 hrs straight and now she wakes up crying real bad. Yesterday she was up 2.5 hrs in the middle of the night. N I am a sleep deprived mama. How do you manage...

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  • Incognito
  • Incognito

Incognito in Careers

Hey ladies, looking for some advice. Any web designer/developers here (UK)?Hey ladies, looking for some advice. Any web designer/developers here? Or any other careers within digital marketing ?

First time mum here and currently on maternity leave. I'm already stressing about returning to work and how things are going to be financially. So I decided that maybe it's time I change my career goals and decided to try to get a qualification in something I can start a business on. Super interested in web designin...

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  • Incognito
  • Incognito

Incognito in Sleep & tiredness

Just need to vent..

Anyone else a “stay at home/work from home” mom? I have been really struggling lately with finding a good work/mom balance. During the work day my instinct is mom comes first but when something urgent comes up I handle it as soon as possible. I usually let most tasks sit for a while before beginning it because we ...

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  • Incognito
  • Incognito
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