Dr. Kim’s Community for Moms w/ Young Kids
Dr. Kim  is a creator on PeanutDr. Kim

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Dr. Kim’s Community for Moms w/ Young Kids

By Dr. Kim

This group is for moms with children from toddlerhood through elementary school. If you have questions, Dr. Kim (aka: The Parentologist) has answers! As a mom, doctorate in psychology, licensed marriage and family therapist, play therapist, university professor, podcaster, and blogger, Dr. Kim will be touching on a variety of parenting, motherhood, childhood, family, behavior, and mental health topics to help educate, support, and inspire other moms!

1.9K members

Latest Posts

Dr. Kim is a creator on PeanutDr. Kim

Dr. Kim in Other

The Therapeutic Powers of Nature

New Blog Post: How the Outdoors Benefits Mental Health https://theparentologist.com/the-therapeutic-powers-of-nature-how-the-outdoors-benefits-mental-health/ May is Mental Health Awareness Month, so I was so honored to be invited back to the FOX 5 San Diego studio yesterday morning to talk LIVE on the air with Sha...

  • Dr. Kim is a creator on PeanutDr. Kim
  • Dr. Kim is a creator on PeanutDr. Kim
  • Dr. Kim is a creator on PeanutDr. Kim
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Dr. Kim is a creator on PeanutDr. Kim

Dr. Kim in Other

You know you’re a mom when _______.

(Fill in the blank!)

  • Dr. Kim is a creator on PeanutDr. Kim
  • Dr. Kim is a creator on PeanutDr. Kim
  • Dr. Kim is a creator on PeanutDr. Kim
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Dr. Kim is a creator on PeanutDr. Kim

Dr. Kim in Groups

Calling All Prenatal/Postpartum Moms!

Leave an emoji below if you’d want to join a prenatal/postpartum support group and or a one day prenatal/postpartum workshop… 🤰🏼🤱🏼

  • Dr. Kim is a creator on PeanutDr. Kim
  • Dr. Kim is a creator on PeanutDr. Kim
  • Dr. Kim is a creator on PeanutDr. Kim
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Incognito in Work & money


Hi mamas, posting incognito because of some people I know here that are so judgemental. Can someone please help me buy diapers for my child 11 months, am on universal credit and its until Friday, my husband lost his job, and still looking for another one, got two other children, 6 and 11years old, just struggling...

  • Incognito
  • Incognito
  • Incognito

Incognito in Pregnancy termination

Pregnancy rant about this

I'm freaking out, I'm scared to death about having this baby, about going into labor and everything that comes after it. I don't want to do it why can't I smoke pot or take drugs that'll relax me during labor. I'm scared to death about going to the doctors office I just don't want everybody touching me and then taki...

  • Incognito
  • Incognito
  • Incognito

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