Breastfeeding, Bottle feeding, Weaning Support
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Breastfeeding, Bottle feeding, Weaning Support

By Katie

Judgement free community and support to help you feed your baby. Bottle feeding, nursing, pumping, tube feeding, early solids.

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Incognito in Baby & toddler food

Weaning issues

Hi all, my 7 month old is showing every sign of being ready to wean since they were 5 months old. We started weaning around 2 weeks ago. Everything was going great and in the last day or so baby has completely regressed and won’t eat anything, even the food they were loving. They also gag and throw up with any tex...

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  • Incognito
  • Incognito

M in Bottle feeding

Teat size for breast fed baby

Hi all, My baby is 6 weeks old and is breastfed with the exception of an odd bottle of expressed milk. We want to increase the number of bottles of expressed milk he gets, but he’s frustrated on the bottle (and on boob but that’s a different story…) he’s currently on a man size 1 teat but considering moving to a ...

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A in Breastfeeding

How to breastfeed for more than one year?

Hi! I would like to breastfeed my baby for two years. She just turned one year old and the paediatrician told me that she needs to eat more solids and therefore drink less milk (right now she has been breastfeeding around 6 times per day) and that I could start introducing also cows milk. For me this mix is quite co...

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Incognito in Breastfeeding

Liquid from breast a year after stopping breastfeeding

Hi everyone! So I finished my breastfeeding journey just over a year ago now, my son is 2 and a half. I've noticed once or twice that if I squeeze my breast, small amounts of white liquid comes out. I did this today and quite a bit came out which has alarmed me. I'm definitely not pregnant, but is this normal over a...

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  • Incognito

Incognito in Breastfeeding

Weaning baby before work

I need some advice on weaning my 4 month old gradually. I will be returning to work in his 7th month and I want to stop breast feeding by that time. Does anyone have advice on weaning with pumping and replacing feeds with formula? I intend to give the nursery formula to feed him throughout the day, but I still want...

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