Incognito in Baby sleep
Dropping naps
My toddler is refusing to nap most days. She’s 2 years 3 months. Are you toddlers of the same age also doing This. Are you going to skip naps altogether or
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Incognito in Baby sleep
My toddler is refusing to nap most days. She’s 2 years 3 months. Are you toddlers of the same age also doing This. Are you going to skip naps altogether or
Incognito in Other
My child runs around the house, cannot stay still for more than 2 minutes even during screen time. He throws things, climbs things, hits, and is ALWAYS on the move. I cannot seem to sit still for two straight minutes without him going to another room, breaking an item. Any other momma with a 2 year old like that? W...
A in Baby sleep
My 2 year old goes to sleep around 5PM and wakes up at 6/7AM . Is he sleeping a lot? He’s not very active during the day as these day are snowy and we’re mostly home.
Incognito in Other
What’s the weight and height of your 26 month old? My little girl is 27lbs and 35.5 inches.. she hasnt gained any weight since December but her height has increased an inch. Worried if she’s growing well :(
A in Baby sleep
Anyone else’s kiddo a member of the “no nap club” yet? WFH mom and dad here. Ours dropped consistently napping around 23 months, rarely sleeping and instead jumping or playing with her lovey in her crib during her nap time. At 25m her grandparents came and we did a bunch of activities, missing nap time completely a...