December 2022 Babies 🇺🇸

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December 2022 Babies 🇺🇸

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L in Making friends

New to app

Hello, I’m new and looking for mommy friends and advice! I have been messaging other people, but have no luck with getting any responses back. Does anyone want to be friends? Also, I have a son turning 2 Christmas Day and he still doesn’t talk. Any advice?

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J in Other

Potty Training

Anyone's LO potty trained yet ? Mine is more than half way there . He knows how to pull his pants down and go potty, but he still potty on himself while sleeping 😴

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K in Baby sleep

Lack of sleep

Anyone know why i literally cant sleep unless my kid is here? He went to his dad’s Friday and i don’t get him back Wednesday. The weird part is I’m not even tired and I’ve tried so many tips and trick to fall asleep but just cant.

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V in Baby products

What does your toy storage look like?

I haven't purged once since baby was born. I don't want her room to become overwhelming. We currently have a bamboo bookshelf, a bamboo and cloth 2 drawer cabinet, and some boxes.. preparing for baby 2, I am looking for a system 😄 I'm half tempted to just get these clear containers from Costco and be done, but I'm h...

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L in Sleep & tiredness

Nightmare or scare

Hi just wondering if other moms are experiencing any of your 2yo crying/screaming and kicking in the middle of the night in their sleep? If so what do yall recommend to sooth?

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