Toddler & Mom Support
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Toddler & Mom Support

By Michelle Tangeman

I am Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist (mfc86890) and a Board Certified Behavior Analyst. I created this group to talk all things toddler parenting & maternal mental health. Visit for free resource

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Incognito in Postpartum mental health

Post Partum Rage & Anxiety

I have post partum rage and I desperately need help. I've tried therapist but the only advice I'm given is i need someone to help give me a break. I don't have ANYONE. I'm completely alone. I have 3 kids and I never ever get a break. I don't have money for a sitter. Can anyone please give me any advice that doesn't ...

  • Incognito
  • Incognito
  • Incognito

D in Baby milestones

Toddlers who need/ have ear tubes

Hey ladies my son is 2 and we have recently been told he has fluid behind his eardrums and needs tubes. We were also told he doesn’t hear as clearly as he should due to the fluid . Has anyone’s toddler got tubes? Did it help? Does it change their behavior, etc? I know toddlers do throw tantrums etc and it’s normal b...

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Incognito in Activities for kids


We got this from morrisons buts it's also available on amazon. It's states 3+ my son is 4. We followed instructions I was getting him step back whilst I pressed down on it after 5 mins of fun one of disc's came flying down and has cut his eyebrow. He has a cut bruising and swelling and has been sore all day. I have...

  • Incognito
  • Incognito
  • Incognito

C in Other

How do you handle a toddler that laughs at being told off?

My 3 year old has become very difficult recently, she used to be a good sleeper than all of a sudden she started getting out of bed constantly at bedtime, we put her back to bed, she laughs, we tell her off, she laughs, we ignore her, she throws herself against the radiator, so we have to intervene. We can't just ig...

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Incognito in Baby milestones

"obsessed with sex"

So I've heard this is normal for 2 y/os, but just wanting to double check. My daughter gets curious about what in between people's legs, once she gets comfy with them, looks in that area for her dolls (who have nothing, lol) and has tried to stick toys in herself. My mom said, "she's obsessed with sex" but I know th...

  • Incognito
  • Incognito
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