A in Gifting
What is everyone getting their babies for Christmas? I’m afraid between my mom and MIL he might get too much stuff. We live in a small house with a very small backyard.
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A in Gifting
What is everyone getting their babies for Christmas? I’m afraid between my mom and MIL he might get too much stuff. We live in a small house with a very small backyard.
Incognito in Baby & toddler food
How do you guys do your meat when feeding your little one? mine is seven months and has not had me yet because I’m worried that she will choke.
V in Baby milestones
My baby just does not seem to be interested and whenever he's getting tummy time he throws a temper tantrum luckily here he was okay for the video until I stopped rolling
E in Other
Having trouble getting my 7 month old to take a bottle. He will maybe drink 4 4 ounce bottles if we're lucky. He eats 2 things of baby food 2-3 times a day. He just refuses a bottle. He does have a tooth coming in but don't know what else to do to make sure he gets enough fluids
S in Baby & toddler food
My LO started solids a little before turning 6 months old and was eating great. Doing purées mostly with a mixture of baby led weening foods here and there. He is almost 8 months old and the past week or so has not been too big into foods - even purées. Drinking bottles/milk (exclusively bf/pump) just fine though....