H in Baby travel products
Car seat
What age or at what point did u forward face u child? New car seat looking kinda don’t know don’t want her to but her weight shes 2🥺
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babies due December 2022
H in Baby travel products
What age or at what point did u forward face u child? New car seat looking kinda don’t know don’t want her to but her weight shes 2🥺
S in Legal
So for the past two years I have lived with my brother who has autism. ( he isn't high on the spectrum so he can still do basic everyday things.) I can't get him to help out around the house and when I ask it is always a massive fight. He has a temper to the point we have holes in our wall because he has punched or ...
Incognito in Other
Is anyone pregnant or had baby #2 and just really struggling with it / finding it much harder than the first time round? I’m mentally and physically exhausted and the nausea is next level, this is something I never had the first time round 😩 Just hoping theres some other Mamas out there in the same boat! (Posting ...
Incognito in Postpartum mental health
I’ve recently put in a boundary with my parents mainly my mum to not contact me via WhatsApp and text message anymore as I find it stressful her messaging me so often asking about my little girl asking so many questions it’s exhausting and I get caught up in explaining myself. She says she just wants to check how I ...
P in Other
When did your toddler get their second molars? My daughter is 21 months old and has been showing teething signs. I am asking this because I read online that they usually get second molars close to 2 years old. Also, if you have any suggestions on what to serve for lunch and dinner to a teething toddler.