December 2022 Babies 🇨🇦

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December 2022 Babies 🇨🇦

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A in Baby digestion


My 23 month old had blood in her poop this morning..iam so concerned 😒 Any ideas what and why?

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Incognito in Baby & toddler food

18month old not eating

Lo had been refusing to eat for the last 2 days. Cant get him to snack on his favourites too. Hes also been a terrible sleeper, just finished having a fever and his molars are out , please help.

  • Incognito
  • Incognito
  • Incognito

C in Baby sleep

Anyone else's little decide they're done with naps?

18 months feels so early to stop napping, but he just will not go down for a nap. He isn't cranky if he stays up. He goes to bed around 7:30 pm and sleeps straight through until 8 am. My oldest was napping until he was 4, but my youngest is having none of it. Anyone else have a little one who just decided they don...

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Incognito in Family

Starting daycare

I've taken 18 months of maternity leave and my son starts daycare on Monday. I am not ready for it. I know he will do great! He is super social and loves other kids, but I am going to miss him so much and the idea of not being with him everyday is killing me. To make it worse, I haven't found a job yet, so I'll j...

  • Incognito
  • Incognito
  • Incognito

E in Potty training

Potty training

When did you everyone start potty training?!? I’m unsure when I should even start, I have a 17 month old boy 💙 What is your favourite potty for at home and your favourite travel potty?

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