C in First trimester worries
No way I’m seeing things??
Got these today with SMU, 9 dpo. Do y’all see those lines too?? 🥹🤍
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To help women figure out if they have line eyes or not! to be nice and not add BFP's due to it being a sensitive thing to see, please respect my group for the TTC ladies! thank you!
C in First trimester worries
Got these today with SMU, 9 dpo. Do y’all see those lines too?? 🥹🤍
C in Other
I know I’m only 7dpo and it’s way too early to test 🫣🤪 BUT.. **photos in comments**
Incognito in First trimester worries
11dpo, FMU, read within time window. Do y’all see that faint line too?! 👀 **picture in comments**
Incognito in First trimester worries
10dpo, taken at 7:30pm. Plan to retest in the morning with fmu. But I SWEAR I see something 🫣👀
Incognito in First trimester worries
It’s still very early, but I took this test this morning and I swear I see a very faint line.. anyone else?? **more photos in comments**