Weird shiz and fun stuff with Zainab

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Weird shiz and fun stuff with Zainab

I've made a group where we can share weird, interesting, gross facts and polls for fun! everyone is welcome, unless you're racist or Islamophobic this group is not that kind of inclusive no incognito

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Z in Groups

Hey so you don't get to leave racist, anti black, anti Arab or Islamophobic comments in my group.

I will report them, remove you from the group, shame you and then remove your comments

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17 likes,11 comments

E in Other

My son is in his dinosaur phase....

His favourite movie is Jurassic World (blame my husband). I can't watch it without laughing because the t-rex/indominous rex sound is a koala. Behind the scenes sound effect is fascinating, but kinda ruins movies a little.

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J in Other

Just wanted to share a picture of my chocolatine

Look at those layers 🤤🤤

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5 likes,1 comments

Z in Groups

This group is going to become about what I wear on my feet

Not actually lol

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Z in Other

Speaking to men who bother me in pig Latin

That's what it's come to. My social media has made it to a point where men don't stop bugging me so I've started speaking in pig Latin to piss them off before blocking. One guy hasn't stopped making accounts.

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