Momlife Society Social Club a Sisterhood Community for Moms
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Momlife Society Social Club a Sisterhood Community for Moms

By Tameria Leatrice

Momlife Society is an online sisterhood & safe space designed to empower moms to navigate womanhood, pregnancy, postpartum & motherhood well. Our mission is to empower, educate and equip moms with the resources needed to thrive.

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M in Birth control

Weird Question Maybe, But…

Just had my second kiddo mid-November. I have planned to get an IUD at my six week appointment, but I know (since I’ve had IUDs before) that the week after you get it inserted that you have to use condoms or something since it takes a week before it’s for sure effective. My husband (like a lot of guys) doesn’t like...

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C in Age gaps

Age gap

I will have 13 months of an age gap between my first and second. My son is very calm and easy going and has only started to become more sensitive and needy. I brestfed him but he weaned himself during my pregnancy with no issues. He is fairly bonded to both my partner and I but I'm worried how he will adapt. I spend...

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Incognito in Pregnancy Week by Week: First Trimester

2 under 2?

I just had my baby boy in June and I didn’t think I would be ready to have another one so soon, however I think about having another baby almost everyday. It’s like I’m longing for it. Am I crazy? Did this feeling happen to anyone else? I miss pregnancy and feeling baby move and being able to be selfish and have bab...

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Incognito in Morning sickness

6 weeks pregnant and feeling drained!

Heyy everyone I’m just over 6 weeks pregnant and I feel so drained and keep getting morning sickness it’s this normal?

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Incognito in Disabilities

Panic Disorder

Hi mamas. Have any of you suffered or presently suffer from panic disorder? I’ve been experiencing the feelings of a panic attack almost daily and it’s become so isolating. I’m looking for ways to cope and get over this.

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