Unpackedful Parenting
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Unpackedful Parenting

By Danyale Washington

What is Unpackedful Parenting? It’s unpacking all that gets stirred up from parenting (our own childhood, societal pressures, etc) and creating the impact we want to have on the children in our lives. Parenting with purpose! It is said that “It takes a village to raise a child” and if you have ANY role in a child’s life, you know just how true those words ring! If you’re looking come community, guidance, and a space where you feel supported without judgment, this is the space for you! This group is run by Danyale Washington, CEO and founder of Sweet Piece Solutions, and creator of Unpackedful Parenting. I am a parent & family coach, new parent educator, certified sleep consultant, trained ABA, and mom of two. ❤️

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Incognito in Postpartum mental health


I need some help and advice. Daughter is 9yo Claiming she is therian and not Human-“she is a fox” And solely believes a spirit/mother nature told her that she is a therian She wants to wear a mask, the tail, the paws, is jumping around the house doing “quads”, watching the videos the whole 9. I am 100% completel...

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Incognito in Early pregnancy symptoms

Braxton hicks??

This is my third but I don’t remember what braxton hick feel like. I’ve been feeling like a painful pull around my waist when my stomach gets really tight. But is that normal??? I just can’t remember. Can I get some insight please I don’t talk about it to my husband or his family ( my family is on another state) b...

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  • Incognito
  • Incognito

A in Family

Help! 7 yr Kid peed on couch intentionally

So I gentle parent my toddler, and I also have step daughters ages 5 and 7. Well yesterday the 7 year old purposefully tripped my toddler to not allow her into her bedroom (we have baby gates that older kids can open but she left it open) and the consequence was no playing with the other kids (because she hurt the...

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Incognito in Potty training

4 year old refusal to potty train

My little girl turned four a few months ago, she has been the most stubborn child on the planet when it comes to potty training, I have tried everything you could possibly think of and she has no desire what so ever. She hides when she poops, she will never tell me she has to go potty until she already has. I’m gett...

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  • Incognito
  • Incognito

M in Teething

Sickness with brushing teeth?

Helloooo! I'm 22 weeks and have been really struggling with this. At around 10 weeks I started feeling put off by my toothpaste. I pushed through until not long after that, I started throwing up everytime I would brush my teeth. I used arm and hammer and thought maybe it was too strong for my stomach or my senses ri...

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