January 2023 Babies 🇺🇸

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Incognito in Skin conditions

eczema and white patches

my son has had allergies from birth. Dairy, eggs, soy, probably more. He was also sensitive to corn formula. His entire infancy was difficult bc he reacted poorly to every formula. He can consume dairy in small amounts now (and eggs in whole), but it flares up his eczema. He has two spots under his arms that flare u...

  • Incognito
  • Incognito
  • Incognito

Incognito in Baby & toddler food

Picky eater

What do you do when your child was eating everything now all of a sudden they just stop so now you have to try and all kinds of different meals to see which one they want does anyone else kid doing this? I’m getting stressed out lol

  • Incognito
  • Incognito
  • Incognito

A in Other

Suggestions for vitamins

So my son has been taking Enfamil multivitamin drops. He’s about to age out of those. And the bottle he currently has, is done. So I plan on starting him on toddler vitamins now. No use in opening a new bottle of the Enfamil vitamins when he will be done with them by next month. What toddlers multivitamins are you ...

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C in Baby & toddler food

Ugh I need food help

My daughter (2 at the end of Jan) has basically stopped eating. I usually make sure to offer her a safe food with meals, but now unless it’s cheese or fruit she basically will just scream and cry for cheese or fruit. I’m starting to actually worry about her health and I don’t know how to go from here.

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K in Gifting

Potty training prizes

What are you guys giving for potty training prizes if any? We just started potty training and I give a sticker each time he sits on the potty, a Hershey kiss if he goes, and eventually when it’s done he’ll get a set of toy cars I’m curious what others are doing.

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