January 2023 Babies 🇦🇺

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Incognito in Other

Toilet training

My son is soon to be turning 2 years old and I’m wanting to start to slowly introduce toilet training. We have tried to sit him on the toilet a few times, however he screams and cries so I haven’t pushed it. He does do a wee in the shower and will indicate that he’s done one in there but not when he’s wearing a na...

  • Incognito
  • Incognito
  • Incognito

H in Breastfeeding

How to stop breastfeeding?

Hi everyone My son is now 18 months and I feel like I am ready to completely stop breastfeeding. But it’s been really hard especially at nights cos my son safe co sleeps with me and whenever he wakes at night he wants to breastfeed or just suck on boobies for comfort. My supply is low now so that’s not the problem...

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N in Activities for kids

What's your toddler's favourite thing at a playground?

Slides? Tunnels? Throwing sand around? My bub loves the swings! First thing she runs to and wouldn't want to leave if she had the choice. Just curious how everyone else's little ones are at the playground 🛝🛝🛝

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E in Baby sleep

Restless baby

I’ve recently got a monitor that records how many times my son moves overnight. He is moving almost every 5-10 mins all night long. He doesn’t cry out for me and it’s usually just a wriggle but is that normal? He’s always been quite a tired baby and now I’m worrying that he isn’t getting restful sleep?

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A in Breastfeeding

Anyone else need to poop when you breastfeed??

My baby girl is 15 months old, and she is still breastfed. My period hasn’t returned but I’m pretty happy about that 🤭 However every single time I breastfeed, I have to poo, NOW! Like urgent. 🚨 Anyone else? I tried googling but it just says babies poop when breastfeeding - nooo, what about ME!! 😂

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