January 2023 Babies 🇮🇪

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N in Childcare

ECCE/School start year?

Hi ladies! Just wondering when everyone is starting their little ones in playschool, ECCE or school? Initially we wanted to do one year playschool two ECCE and start school at 5 years 8 months. However, our crèche told us they think 4 years 8 months is a better age and they only have room for her for one year ECCE a...

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M in Other

Cup dramas

Hi ladies hope ye had a fab Xmas with your little ones hard to believe there nearly 2, was wondering anyone else's little ones want to drink out of an open cup or glass lately and doesn't want a plastic one, we have had a week of constant tantrums over it and plenty of breakages in our home and out visiting 🙈 had a...

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C in Antenatal classes

ECCE Query

Hi moms! I'm a bit lost with the educational system in here can someone explain to me if I have to apply for the ECCE On a government website or how to apply. And also anyone knows if I can apply now to use it till next year cause I hear the ECCE is used when the babies have 2 years and 8 months but I don't want to...

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A in Baby & toddler food

Fussy eater

Anyone else’s little one suddenly a fussy eater?! She used to be the best at eating 😭

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J in Baby milestones

Refusing buggy and tantrums

Is anyone else’s little one refusing to go into their buggy now and literally scream the streets if you try put them in and then go into a full tantrum? 🙈 feeling so deflated at the minute dread going out with her but I still do it everyday and everyday get more n more upset 🙈 (me and her both)

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