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A in Skin conditions


What could this rash be? Is it just drool? Baby is 8 months old

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Incognito in Early pregnancy symptoms

Lower back pain

Hey ladies! Yesterday I woke up to some bright red blood while wiping. Similar to the beginning of a period. It faded throughout the day to a light pink and was gone by the end of the day. Also all my other symptoms / sore breast, nausea are gone Blood test showed hcg a solid 109,000 I think and heart beat of fet...

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  • Incognito

C in Skin conditions

Does this rash look like an allergic reaction? More pics in comments

She had some cheese melted in her pasta. She is fine no issues. She has also eczema and we are trying to keep under control.

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C in Pregnancy Week by Week: Second Trimester

2+ protein in urine at 28 weeks pregnant, what now?

Hi! I'm 28 weeks pregnant and at my midwife appointment today they had a reading of 2+ from my urine sample. They have sent it off for a further test to be sure and told me to wait for a call if it is anything, and I'll probably be sent to MAU (NHS Royal Stoke UK), as it is suspected pre-eclampsia. What happens now...

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Incognito in Family

Strangers touching toddler

I can't seem to get over being upset when strangers touch my 18 m.o. and I'm not talking about random grannies overstepping. I'm talking about service people I.e check out staff and wait staff. I'm all for them interacting but I find it highly inappropriate for them to tickle or kiss her and it sets off a fight or f...

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