Incognito in Baby sleep
Anyone else’s little one a lot more grouchy since turning 1?
Literally since my son’s first birthday he is always so upset / grumpy! (He’s not teething or poorly) sleep and naps are all over the place too🫠
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For mums expecting in March 2024
Incognito in Baby sleep
Literally since my son’s first birthday he is always so upset / grumpy! (He’s not teething or poorly) sleep and naps are all over the place too🫠
K in Other
i’ve had braxtons but they don’t usually make me feel this way , i feel heavy and the urge to pee a lot more .
L in Baby milestones
So funny when she does this, don’t know if I’m thinking too much into and thinking it means something or if it’s just her little personality.
Incognito in Formula
How much formula are you giving your 1 year olds? Mine just turned 1 and has significantly dropped her milk intake. She used to have 3 bottles (150-200mls each) a day and now won’t even get through 1 bottle a day!
K in Body temperatures
Any advice on how to get baby to wear shoes ? 😂 she can walk but won’t put on shoes!