January 2023 Babies 🇬🇧

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January 2023 Babies 🇬🇧

January 2023 mums to be

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T in Postpartum mental health

'Mummy Phase' have I done something wrong?

For the last couple of weeks my daughter (20 months old) has been going through a real 'Mummy phase' i think she's always been a "mummy's girl" since about 15-16 months in the sense of she'll always pick mummy to do things over daddy but lately it's been quite dramatic. She scream cries when i leave the room for n...

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P in Baby products

Washing detergent and conditioner

My little boy is now 18 months old and I was just wondering at what point did others change from fairy to other brands when it comes to washing theirs and their little ones clothes? Even though I do love the smell of fairy softener xx

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Incognito in Baby products

What is this? lol

The bit circled in blue, I have no clue but think I’m being stupid

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  • Incognito

P in Baby digestion

Struggling to poo at 18 months old :(

Our little boy is 18 months old and has been struggling too poo to the point he goes all clammy and sweaty and when he eventually goes it's like a solid big lump! We are thinking of switching from cows milk to an alternative (soya, oat) and even changing his yoghurts to dairy free! As this happened when he started w...

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T in Baby sleep

I'm not sure what's wrong with my toddler

Hi everyone, I was wondering if someone could help me please - maybe someone on here has been through it before with their little one? My LG is 1.5 years old and for the last couple of days, she's been having an awful night's sleep (waking up every couple of hours crying/moaning) she's been feeling hot but weirdl...

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