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Connecting Los Angeles mamas with local information, fun events, and sharing in the journey of raising little ones.

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A in Baby products

Donating newborn and size 1 diapers & postpartum stuff

Hi mamas! I have some diapers and postpartum stuff to donate. We reached out to several women’s shelters but did not hear back. Figured this could be a good place to share. Let me know if you’d like any of the following. A box of opened Honest and Millie Moon newborn diapers. New box of Honest size 1 diapers. ...

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A in Childcare

Mid-Wilshire infant Daycare Recs?

Hi mamas, do you have recs for infant daycare in the mid-Wilshire/South Carthay area? Willing to go up to Melrose/La Brea and down to West Adams-ish. I’m sad we have to send our little boy to daycare so soon, but one of our care options fell through 😢 really hoping to find him a clean, loving care where it’s not too...

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Incognito in Postpartum symptoms

Inguinal hernia

One month old will have to get surgery I’m so worried please share if you’ve experienced this

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  • Incognito
  • Incognito

R in Other


I don't know what to do, I am in a relationship I don't want to be in with my son's dad, he is constantly degrading me and belittling me to the point where I break down in tears and cry my eyes out and also to the point where I want to hit something or destroy something. He is always calling me retarded, stupid, laz...

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A in Other

Solo Disney date with a toddler

Do you ladies have any tips when it comes taking a 19 month old to Disneyland alone?

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