Prayers for our Children

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Prayers for our Children

Christian based prayers for children of all ages.

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C in Religion

Prayers for our Children

Heavenly Father, Master of the Universe, we bless your Holy Name Adonai. We pray to You our GOD knowing that You are the only Living God who listens and cares for us deeply. Halleluyah. We pray that our children would be kept completely safe and sound from the broken world around us. We rest peacefully knowing that ...

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C in Religion

This verse right here!!! 🔥❤️

“And do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, that you may prove what is that good and acceptable and perfect will of God.” ‭‭Romans‬ ‭12‬:‭2‬ ‭NKJV‬‬ Don't be molded by the world's ways, but rather, let God renew you, He will free you to live an extraordinary life. We are...

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C in Religion

Sabbath Day 🍇

Hi there sisters in Christ! I just wanted to remind you that you don’t have to strive to earn God’s love it’s already all yours. Our Heavenly Father is moving us into a deeper relationship with Him. Our flesh needs to be put into submission to His will, the most effective way to make our flesh submissive is throug...

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C in Pregnancy care

Remember that children are a miracle and a huge blessing!!! 🤗🩷

BRIGHT FLASH OF LIGHT AT CONCEPTION Recently, researchers at Northwestern University in Chicago have shown that a kind of "firework" occurs when the human egg and sperm unite, forming a zygote. As shown in the artist’s illustration , at the moment of conception, a flash of light occurs as a zap of energy is release...

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C in Religion

Prayer - Focusing on Yahweh

Heavenly Father, Hallowed be Your name Adonai. I come boldly before Your Throne of Grace to ask forgiveness where any of us may have been distracted by the things that will eventually come to nothing, forgive us if we have placed too much attention on man for they themselves are dust and will become dust. You are E...

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