Mummas of Twins/multiples.

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Mummas of Twins/multiples.

general support/friendship group for mama's of twins, triplets or quads. Understanding, non-judgemental place to chat, share experiences and parenting tips and life hacks with other like minded mumma's with twins, triplets or quads (or more)

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S in Other

early symptoms you had with twins?

what are some early symptoms you had with twins? i’m 6 weeks pregnant with my second child. i was never ever this sick with her, im constant nauseous so badly, exhausted, my body feels heavy and weak i feel like i have to eat almost every hour, and i have intense heartburn. i am struggling

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Incognito in Other

Traveling with 6mo twins

Hi moms! My husband and I will be traveling with our 6mo old twins in March from Florida to Colorado (aprx 4hr flight). Any recommendations on how to make this first flight go as well as possible? I’ll take any and all advice - I’m a bit scared for screams, TSA taking our formula, and blowouts 😣

  • Incognito
  • Incognito
  • Incognito

T in Bottle feeding

Should I invest in a bottle washer?

I already have a baby brezza. It was to save my mom and I from going crazy from formula making but should I get the washer too? It only does 4 bottles but it could be so helpful at night. I think it could wash my toddlers sippy cups as well.

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S in Pregnancy Week by Week: Second Trimester

First Trimester

Twin pregnancy, 2 placentas growing. Extremely nauseous for weeks, had to visit ER for an IV with nausea medication. Can’t go 6 hours without Zofran. Anyone else having/had similar experience? Any hope it will get better?

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B in Signs of labor


Guys I need some advice/help! I am currently 27+5 weeks pregnant with Di/di twins, last week I lost a little bit of my mucus plug wasn’t to worried I lost some of it when I was pregnant with my first daughter! But yesterday my bump dropped massively like even my partner was like oh Christ you’ve dropped😂 and now I’v...

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