February 2023 Babies 🇺🇸

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February 2023 Babies 🇺🇸

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S in Family


Morning ladies. My son just started daycare this week. Drop offs have been hard and he can't talk so I don't know if it's normal or if my mom senses are tingling. Just dropped him off this morning and he tightened his grip on me and didn't want to let go. Picking him up after, and he doesn't seem like my happy baby...

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A in Potty training

Potty Training Tips

My son just turned 2. I just bought the Bluey training potty last night. Any tips/tricks/advice? I'm just clueless when it comes to this topic. I have an 11m daughter as well, so if anyone has been successful potty training 2 kids at the same time feel free to lend me some knowledge hahaha. Thanks!

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E in Signs of labor

Get this kid out of me

How did you help Kickstart labor? I'm 38weeks and measuring 41. Membrane sweep in two days but tell me how I can get this chunkers out?! Second baby and I feel like an absolute beached whale. Sooo much pain and discomfort. Lost my whole plug and had a bloody show but still no regular contractions.

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Incognito in Formula

How many bottles is your LO having?

Mine loves his milk and currently struggling 😭 he’s also not a great eater

  • Incognito
  • Incognito
  • Incognito

Incognito in Breastfeeding

Sooooo anyone still breastfeeding?

Because we still are 😭 only for nap and bedtime but ughhhh it’s been fail after fail trying to stop. Also it’s very annoying to constantly hear from my family “you’re still breadtfeeding?? You need to stop. You promised us you would soon” ??? Like I didn’t promise shit and why do I have to promise something about ...

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