February 2023 Babies 🇬🇧

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Incognito in Common illness

Car sickness

Does anyone have any tips or know anything I could give my 2 year old for car sickness?? She is sick almost every time she’s in the car. Worse when rear facing! Please help

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  • Incognito
  • Incognito

Incognito in Family

I am raging - partner rant post

I have no one else and the kids are awake in the room and I don't want to make a scene in front of them. I do all the childcare, housework, lunches/dinners ect. 24/7. My grandad is basically on his last legs, we know it's coming soon but we don't know when. He doesn't have a lot of patience now so I go to see him wi...

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  • Incognito
  • Incognito

E in Skin conditions

Rash on my 2 yo

My lg ( just turned 2 yesterday) has had a random rash on her body since Thursday. It’s in one place then when that disappears it appears else where. She’s had it on her foot/ankle, belly, knees, thigh, chest now today it’s her cheeks.. it’s red and has white bumps. Looks like a stinging nettle rash! She had it befo...

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Incognito in Baby products

Head lice

Just saw something crawling in daughter hair, killed it and it bled so I assume she has lice. What can I use to treat? I’ve seen I need to get a wet comb but she has thick curly hair and I know I’ll struggle as it’s had washing her hair as it is

  • Incognito
  • Incognito
  • Incognito
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R in Skin conditions

Does anyone know what this could be?

It’s flat. It’s hard to explain, just like patches of red? he’s also got quiet a bad nappy rash. But just in 1 small area to the right? I have tried creams but hasn’t gone away. Not sure if it’s relatable, but unsure 🥴

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