March 2023 Babies 🇺🇸

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March 2023 Babies 🇺🇸

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R in Baby products


I will never understand diaper sizing 😫 maybe I’m dumb i don’t under the inbetween in lb’s my LO is in size 3 (16-28lbs)still she’s just around 22lbs but size 4’s are (22-37lbs) i dont know if i i should still keep her in 3’s. Please tell me im not the only one who doesn’t get it 😫🤦🏽‍♀️

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Incognito in Other


Can anyone else see a second line? Does it look like an indent or is it a line I am 7 dpo

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Incognito in Pregnancy termination


I’m pregnant with my second child but i already have an almost 2 year old( he will be almost 3 by the time baby is here) any advice on how to juggle two kids plus work??

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Incognito in Family

I feel like I’m giving up…

I’m exhausted… First time mom looking for advice please don’t judge. My son(20 months) throws tantrums like I’ve never seen before, if he doesn’t get what he wants it’s a complete melt down(screaming on the top of his lungs) I get very overstimulated very fast so I usually put him in his room and take a breather tha...

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Incognito in Legal

Am I tripping?

This is a text between my mother and i. this morning it was cold however i do not allow my son to be in his seat with a coat because it covers his neck and he sometimes cant breathe and its just not safe so i explained that to her multiple times. She was already trying to go against me saying “but its cold” which i ...

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